リチャード・ロイヤル・ラズベリー (ハイビスカス&ラズベリー) ハーバルインフュージョン 25枚(個包装)
"Richard Royal Raspberry" Flavoured Hibiscus Infusion with raspberry and fruit pieces, 25 sachets
●名称 :フルーツハーブティー
●原材料:ハイビスカス、ローズヒップシード、 ドライリンゴ、ドライキイチゴ、香料
●内容量:37.5g (1.5gx25枚) (1箱)
Fragrant raspberry makes the subtle hibiscus infusion Richard Royal Raspberry so fruity and summery. Enjoy also Richard Royal Melissa, blended by original Royal recipes.
Royal Tea collection Richard is a black, green and herbal teas from the best plantations all over the world. All blends are made in the traditional English style, but each with a dainty touch: combining various teas, aromatic herbs and spices helps a tea blend to deliver all the shades of royal taste.
Flavoured infusion in sachets