リチャード ザ・ロイヤル・キャッツ(ペルシャ猫) 缶入り セイロン紅茶34g
RICHARD The Royal Cats Ceylon Black Tea 34g (PERSIAN CAT)
- 内容量:34g(1.7g×20ケ)ピラミッド型
- 原材料名:紅茶(スリランカ)
- 原産国名:ロシア
- デザイン(ネコ缶): ネコはネズミ捕りのためイギリスのバッキンガム宮殿で古くから王に仕えてきました。イギリスでは現在に至っても正式な肩書きと給与を与えられ活躍しているネコがいるほど。イギリスで愛されてきたネコたちをロイヤルファミリーの肖像画風にデザインしました。猫好きな方へのプレゼントに最適です。
- 缶の中は、厳選されたクラッシックなセイロン紅茶(ピラミッド型ティーバッグ20個入り/中袋入り)34gが入っています。
- ペルシャ猫は、争いを好まない、控えめな性格を持つ人好きなネコです
Cats in the United Kingdom are officially on Her Majesty's Service. The fluffy employees are called upon to hunt mice at the Buckingham Palace, thus they are deserving considered to be royal animals.
The Persian first came into vogue during the Victorian era, but they were around long before then. The Persian is the epitome of a lap-cat, with a peaceable and undemanding personality. They love a cuddle, but are also playful and curious.
Collect all members of The Royal Cats family!
Funny and amusing gifts with the collectible design, our tea tins make the ideal personalised gift for him or for her – for any friend with this particular breed of dog or cat!
Ceylon black tea with strong rich taste and delicate aroma in pyramids.
Richard Tea is a collection of the finest black, green and herbal Royal teas, carefully selected from plantations around the world. Our blends are made in the traditional English style, each with a delicate touch, carefully combining selected teas with aromatic herbs and spices. Richard Tea delivers all the subtleties of Royal flavour.